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Frequently Asked Questions - Auditions

When are the Auditions?

  • Auditions are held the Wednesday and Thursday of Week 1 each semester.

What Time?

  • 6pm - 9pm, both days


  • The location tends to change each semester. Check our Instagram or Facebook during Week 1 to find out specific information.

What do I have to have prepared?

  • If auditioning for the straight shows AND the musical:

    • 1 minute monologue 

    • 30 second song, a cappella

  • If auditioning for ONLY the straight shows:

    • 1 minute monologue 

Do I have to be memorized?

  • No, but be familiar with the monologue and/or song! Sometimes memorization aids in confidence, and allows for more body language. We want to see you engaging and really acting! It does not have to be an actual monologue; you also can simply talk about your day, tell a story, or tell our directors a meme for your 1 minute monologue.

Do I have to be an OU student?

  • LFC is open to anyone in the Athens community, including adults, students, and graduate students.

Do I have to have theatre experience?

  • We welcome all majors and all people, of all different levels of (or none!) experience in the theater. We would love to teach you everything you need to know!

How many shows can I be a part of?

  • Generally, Flamingos are a part of one show each semester, as to involve as many people as possible! There are occasional "emergency" situations, in which the Directors or the Executive Board may ask Flamingos to step into additional positions.

What if I don't get cast?

  • We would still love for you to be a part of the company and help out with our shows! Other ways you can get involved is with our prop and costume guilds, as well as set build days. Just because you weren't cast this semester doesn't mean you won't be cast next semester! Stay involved and meet lots of new faces while learning more about theater!

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